NZ Herald: How to get over heartbreak

So we’ve got through Valentines Day – a lot of my clients talk about the emotions this day triggers for them.

Whilst it is the second most popular card sending day after Christmas – and many see it for the commercial rort it likely is, – the newly heartbroken may be excused for feeling that on that day Cupid threw them under a bus.

So what do we need to know after a break up – when our chemistry is telling us that there was only one person out there for us – and they have just vanished?

Gazing at a desolate landscape of scoria and smashed concrete – whilst all around you there seem to be couples waltzing their way through a lush Garden of Eden towards champagne and oysters – is not fun.

Being in love can do a lot of really weird things to your body and your brain and the challenge is that you have to keep trying to be functional, despite the seismic shifts and tsunamis of chemicals and hormones.

Read the remainder of the article on the NZ Herald website