NZ Herald: How to navigate new tech with kids


A client in the science world once gave me the statistic that our brain has 100 billion neurons with a quadrillion connections to it. What’s even more amazing, they said, is that the human race struggles to fully understand even a single cell.

All very mind-boggling, and yet it is also the backdrop against which we must continue to manage the ordinary. And how very ordinary it is, now, for me to see clients who are in despair over their children and teenagers’ addiction to tiny screens.

You will have seen this topic covered before. Sometimes the discussion goes around in circles: What effect will it have on their brains? Are they in danger? Could it be a positive? But as time goes by, we will find a better, calmer perspective. After all, the technological revolution is fully here – and just as with other transformative revolutions in history, we will have to learn to manage the less desirable aspects of the huge social change it brings.

Read the remainder of the article on the NZ Herald website